The story begins with a twist on the well-known Battle of Okehazama in 1560, where Oda Nobunaga defeated Imagawa Yoshimoto's superior numbers in a surprise attack and bolstered his reputation as one of Japan's greatest warlords. An age of powerful warlords battling to unite the country under a single banner. While this effect was excised from Warlords, it was purposely rebuilt into Devil May Cry, and ended up being one of the defining elements of the combat. Under certain conditions, when the player performed an uppercut slash on an enemy, it would be lifted up and frozen in mid-air, and the player could continue attacking freely until the enemy was destroyed. The most famous trivia about the game comes from a bug report. Also, he had in fact not composed the game's music at all. Some controversy surrounds the critically acclaimed score of the game, as it was revealed in February 2014 that Mamoru Samuragochi (credited as Samuragoch), the game's composer and a sort of "Japanese Beethoven" had lied about the reality of his hearing disability (barely deaf vs completely deaf). The 3D model of Samanosuke was based on famous Japanese actor Takeshi Kaneshiro, and the fidelity of his and other models in the CG cutscenes were impressive at the time. The game was highly anticipated at the time of it's release not only was Mega Man's creator at the helm, but the developers were ambitious and utilized motion capture for combat (still novel in 2001) and had a 200-piece orchestra performing the soundtrack. While the PS1 version was scrapped the engine's quirks and the game's RE-inspired game design remained. When the PlayStation 2 was announced, the team decided to rebuild the game with the new hardware in mind. The game began development at the tail end of the PlayStation's life and borrowed the Resident Evil engine & some of its mechanics and technical quirks, such as pre-rendered backgrounds, doors-as-load-times, document collection and simple item puzzles, and the well known tank controls in favor of analog controls. In 2002, an updated edition featuring enhanced graphics, new enemies, costumes and an extra boss was released for the for the Xbox as Genma Onimusha.
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Directed by Jun Takeuchi ( Resident Evil 5) and released for the PlayStation 2 on January 25, 2001, it was the first PS2 game to break the million unit mark, with 900,000 copies sold in the first two weeks in Japan and roughly 2.5 million in its lifetime. Onimusha: Warlords is an action-adventure game by Capcom Production Studio 2 and the first entry in the Onimusha (2001-2006) franchise.